
EcoPave™ Permeable Paving Benefits
- Reduces rainfall runoff from hard surfaces, decreasing the demand on drainage systems
- Reduces the need for retention structures (e.g. ground sumps, ponds or dams) and maximises land use by retaining water within the Permeable Paving System.
- Recharges natural groundwater and aquifers
- Improves hydrological response of stormwater peak flow by holding and releasing in a controlled manner
- Filters run off water by removing heavy metals such as zinc and copper through cationic exchange when using greywacke sub base drainage aggregates
- This product is one of the solutions for storm water management in the proposed unitary plan (Auckland only)

Homestar ratings winner
Recently Firth's FlowPave has been used in housing projects that achieved 10 star Homestar ratings, certified by the New Zealand Green Building Council.